Pee-wee Herman

Pee-wee Herman: The Existentialist at Play

Pee-wee Herman: The Existentialist at Play

Pee-wee Herman forever lives in a cosmos without a supernatural giver of laws. In such an existentialist world, Nietzsche says, we must be like children and invent a world of meaning, lest we be consumed by the great void.

The Word of the Day Is Legacy, As in Pee-wee Herman’s Legacy

The Word of the Day Is Legacy, As in Pee-wee Herman’s Legacy

In an era of TV antiheroes, of irony, grittiness, postmodern sensibilities galore, a character like Pee-wee Herman, emphasized in Pee-wee’s Playhouse: Christmas Special, is cutting edge.

The Wow Climax by Henry Jenkins