Open Court’s The Handmaid’s Tale and Philosophy Emphasizes Caution and Awareness
As far as The Handmaid's Tale and Philosophy is concerned, Trump et al are the exact bastards you're not supposed to let grind you down.
As far as The Handmaid's Tale and Philosophy is concerned, Trump et al are the exact bastards you're not supposed to let grind you down.
In After Certainty, philosopher Robert Pasnau constructs a history of knowledge and concludes that most theories of knowledge aren’t up to par.
We look at Disney songs through the lens of hardcore hermeneutics. Be warned, you may never be able to hear these songs the way you did before!
With Aquinas and the Market, economist and theologian Mary L. Hirschfeld begins a necessary conversation between economic and theological sectors, in the academy and, one hopes, outside the ivory towers and seminaries, to calculate our ultimate worth.
Mark Fisher’s posthumous k-punk showcases the depth of his critiques, insight he brought to the humanities, and a glimpse into where he was going with the unfinished work, Acid Communism.
Chekhov is engaging with an underlying, rumbling, non-event that pervades life and yet is nearly always blithely ignored. His stories move us in their ability to excavate this subterranean, haunting static that informs all experience.
In John Waters' work, poor taste is a manner of refinement that attains a strange air of considered sophistication and knowing advertency.
Regarding Evelyne Grossman’s The Anguish of Thought, Ph.D. candidates across America should lay down their pencils before they embarrass themselves.
The Father is the wielder of profuse potency but it can only be maintained through distance and the renunciation of understanding, the willingness to embrace the mystery without examining it. But, necessarily, the child must penetrate that veil.
What does it mean when our stories and our characters, unlike our lives, refuse to come to an end?
Billions grapple with a frenetic paradigm shift which scuffs lines between a carefree ant's and a diligent grasshopper's domains.