
‘The Hatred of Literature’ Will Deeply Satisfy Lovers of Literature

‘The Hatred of Literature’ Will Deeply Satisfy Lovers of Literature

This is a deep dive into the history of literature and the murky threats it's faced that have only served to make it stronger.

‘Teaching Plato in Palestine’ Marks a Valiant Effort, but Falls Short of Consolation

‘Teaching Plato in Palestine’ Marks a Valiant Effort, but Falls Short of Consolation

Carlos Fraenkel champions two causes: the first is a culture of debate; the second is an allegiance to the principle of fallibilism. Unfortunately, both are hard to come by.

Cogito, Ergo Sum (or Thereabouts): ‘Neil Gaiman and Philosophy: Gods Gone Wild!’

The Undiluted Promise of Comics as Vanguard for 21st Century Media

Inglorious by Joanna Kavenna