
‘Which Side Are You On?: 20th Century American History in 100 Protest Songs’ Doth Protest Too Little

‘Which Side Are You On?: 20th Century American History in 100 Protest Songs’ Doth Protest Too Little

Ironically, James Sullivan's liberalism is fundamental to what's wrong with Which Side Are You On?: 20th Century American History in 100 Protest Songs.

‘Iconic Magazine Covers’ Positions Magazine Covers As Cultural Artifacts and Historical Touchstones

‘Iconic Magazine Covers’ Positions Magazine Covers As Cultural Artifacts and Historical Touchstones

Ian Birch's engaging Iconic Magazine Covers shows how magazines and their covers not only reflect social change -- they can also help bring about social change.

‘Can Democracy Work?’ Is the Essential Question We Must Continue to Grapple With

‘Can Democracy Work?’ Is the Essential Question We Must Continue to Grapple With

James Miller's Can Democracy Work? is a coming-of-age story for a generation of Americans whose ideals of social, economic, and political progress foundered on the rocks of brute capitalist power.

‘Protest Kitchen’ Is Often, Like Our Politics, Unsettling

‘Protest Kitchen’ Is Often, Like Our Politics, Unsettling

Carol J. Adams and Virginia Messina's Protest Kitchen provides easy, everyday tips to help make positive change in the world, but it might best be read with the comfort of a vegan Irish Cream in hand.

John Berger was a Lifelong Cultural Agitator with a Valuable Point of View

John Berger was a Lifelong Cultural Agitator with a Valuable Point of View

Joshua Sperling’s biography of John Berger is more of an art history text that’s focused on specific social and political elements as they are connected through Berger’s perspective.

‘Fault Lines’ Traces the Roots of Today’s Polarized America

‘Fault Lines’ Traces the Roots of Today’s Polarized America

Kevin M. Kruse and Julian E. Zelizer show that the deep divisions currently roiling America have been long in the making in their work, Fault Lines.

‘Vice’, Dick Cheney, and the Satisfaction of the Deed Itself

‘Vice’, Dick Cheney, and the Satisfaction of the Deed Itself

Adam McKay's gonzo Dick Cheney biopic satire, Vice, won't be compared to Shakespeare, but it shares the Bard's disinterest in supervillains' motivations.

Saving Acid Communism: The Essential Leftist Critic Mark Fisher

Saving Acid Communism: The Essential Leftist Critic Mark Fisher

Mark Fisher’s posthumous k-punk showcases the depth of his critiques, insight he brought to the humanities, and a glimpse into where he was going with the unfinished work, Acid Communism.

Allen Ginsberg’s Journals Offer Insight into Poetry, Culture, and Politics During the Cold War

Allen Ginsberg’s Journals Offer Insight into Poetry, Culture, and Politics During the Cold War

Beginning in Cuba in 1965, Ginsberg recorded his experiences behind the Iron Curtain. Iron Curtain Journals: January-May 1965 brings us with him, via his intimate diary.

Jason Reitman’s Tabloid Journalism Film About Gary Hart, ‘The Front Runner’ Is Altman Lite

Jason Reitman’s Tabloid Journalism Film About Gary Hart, ‘The Front Runner’ Is Altman Lite

Funny and thoughtful but not sharp enough, Jason Reitman's satire about Gary Hart's tabloid downfall aims for controlled chaos but settles for conventional finger-wagging.

Band of Brothers: Jason Reitman, Matt Bai, and Jay Carson on ‘The Front Runner’

Band of Brothers: Jason Reitman, Matt Bai, and Jay Carson on ‘The Front Runner’

Filmmaker Jason Reitman and co-writers Matt Bai and Jay Carson delve into the band-like creative process behind their thought-provoking political drama, The Front Runner, revolving around Gary Hart's scandalous 1988 presidential campaign.

Oscar Wilde: ‘In Praise of Disobedience’

Oscar Wilde: ‘In Praise of Disobedience’

Being humble and peaceable are not virtues, according to Oscar Wilde, as seen in his collection of essays, In Praise of Disobedience, disobedience and rebelliousness against inequality and tyranny are much more valuable to humankind.