preston sturges

Honest Deception in Preston Sturges’ ‘The Lady Eve’

Honest Deception in Preston Sturges’ ‘The Lady Eve’

Preston Sturges' The Lady Eve demonstrates that somewhere within the convolution of deception (self-deception included) lies a truth that persists all the same.

‘The Lady Eve’ Indulges Preston Sturges’ Humor, Both Literate and Broad

‘The Lady Eve’ Indulges Preston Sturges’ Humor, Both Literate and Broad

Preston Sturges’ The Lady Eve is layered with texture and substance draped in the gleeful prurience of a master of slapstick and romance.

‘The Great McGinty’ Takes on the Great Political Machine

‘The Great McGinty’ Takes on the Great Political Machine

Preston Sturges' classic Hollywood comedy The Great McGinty is an incisive and bold political satire that explores the ridiculous depths of American corruption—80 years before the Trump era.

‘Reinventing Hollywood’ Educates, Illuminates and Connects Films Past and Present

‘Reinventing Hollywood’ Educates, Illuminates and Connects Films Past and Present

David Bordwell effectively argues that the change in the era of bold, different, sometimes difficult films from the '40s made a permanent mark of cinematic storytelling that resonates to this day.

Preston Sturges: A Woefully Underrated Filmmaker

Preston Sturges: A Woefully Underrated Filmmaker

One of the Golden Age of Hollywood's most richly complicated and woefully underrated figures gets the critical attention he deserves in this essay collection on his life and movies.

The 100 Essential Directors Part 9: Victor Sjöström to Luchino Visconti

The Miracle of Morgan’s Creek (1944)