puzzle game

Horror Puzzle Video Game ‘The Exit 8’ Is an Inescapable Meme

Horror Puzzle Video Game ‘The Exit 8’ Is an Inescapable Meme

The horror puzzle video game The Exit 8 is peak capitalist art, or if you prefer, content farm. Either way, it’s also an inescapable meme.

Cuban Video Game ‘Saviorless’ Subverts the Revolution’s Narrative

Cuban Video Game ‘Saviorless’ Subverts the Revolution’s Narrative

Cuban video game Saviorless joins Lillian Guerra’s scholarship and Tomás Gutiérrez Alea’s film The Last Supper in subverting the Cuban Revolution’s narrative.

I Finally “Get” ‘Hitman’

I Finally “Get” ‘Hitman’

Hitman is a puzzle game. It has been described as such before, but there’s a difference between hearing that and understanding that.
We’re Not Computers, We’re Physical

We’re Not Computers, We’re Physical

The Room understands that we are gamers, geeks who like to look at a thing, take it apart, and figure out how it works. We aren't mere computers.