
Graphic Novel ‘Big Black’ Is a Stunning Depiction of the Attica Prison Uprising

Graphic Novel ‘Big Black’ Is a Stunning Depiction of the Attica Prison Uprising

Fifty years ago Attica prisoners rose up for justice -- and were slaughtered. Graphic novel Big Black: Stand at Attica is a powerful story from a survivor's point of view.

The Kids Might Be Alright: Progress as Virtue in Contemporary Children’s Literature

The Kids Might Be Alright: Progress as Virtue in Contemporary Children’s Literature

Dave Eggers and Colin Meloy take on the antagonistic and nativist rhetoric in American politics and culture with children's books intent on generating empathy.

Racism’s Trauma Reverberates Across Generations in ‘Your House Will Pay’

Racism’s Trauma Reverberates Across Generations in ‘Your House Will Pay’

Steph Cha's depiction of systematic racism in Your House Will Pay is compelling, attesting to the complicated social structures at play.

‘Sports Is Hell’ Narrows the Field to Identity Politics

‘Sports Is Hell’ Narrows the Field to Identity Politics

Ben Passmore's Sports Is Hell is an apocalyptic parody of racism in US sports and politics.

For Valentine’s Day, the End of Anti-Miscegenation Laws: ‘The Loving Story’

For Valentine’s Day, the End of Anti-Miscegenation Laws: ‘The Loving Story’

The Loving Story's tale of this Supreme Court victory lays out both its legal and moral import, and then turns back to Richard and Mildred Loving in intimate, evocative images.

Critical Noir: Confessions of a ThugNiggaIntellectual

Critical Noir: Confessions of a ThugNiggaIntellectual

If you need to know what the boundaries of diction are, listen to my reformed ghetto-ass.

Journalist Desmond Cole Confronts Canada’s Anti-Black Racism

Journalist Desmond Cole Confronts Canada’s Anti-Black Racism

In The Skin We're In, Canadian journalist Desmond Cole reveals the shocking scale of racism in a country that prefers to look the other way.

The Book Every American Needs to Read: ‘Open Season: Legalized Genocide of Colored People’

The Book Every American Needs to Read: ‘Open Season: Legalized Genocide of Colored People’

Award-winning lawyer Ben Crump's Open Season irrefutably documents how America's treatment of Black Americans and other minorities is indistinguishable from genocide.

‘Sword of Trust’ Is Random-Generation Comedy for a Truth-Deficient Time

‘Sword of Trust’ Is Random-Generation Comedy for a Truth-Deficient Time

Lynn Shelton's lo-fi Southern satire Sword of Trust yokes historical artifacts, the quest for meaning, Civil War Truthers, and the devastation of addiction to a pleasingly ramshackle comic quest.

Box Brown Takes on the Ultimate Weed Killer in ‘Cannabis’

Box Brown Takes on the Ultimate Weed Killer in ‘Cannabis’

As cannabis legalization spreads, Box Brown's graphic novel, Cannabis, examines the sordid and racist history of how it became demonized in the first place.

It All Goes Sideways in Ezra Claytan Daniels and Ben Passmore’s ‘BTTM FDRS’

It All Goes Sideways in Ezra Claytan Daniels and Ben Passmore’s ‘BTTM FDRS’

Graphic fiction BTTM FDRS drags up our culture's biggest, ugliest globs of unconscious sewage and spreads it across a white page for us to see and acknowledge.

Progress Is Not Linear, as ‘The House of the Pain of Others’ Reminds Us with Devastating Effect

Progress Is Not Linear, as ‘The House of the Pain of Others’ Reminds Us with Devastating Effect

Julián Herbert's The House of the Pain of Others is a masterly study that sheds light on the role played by educated elites in fomenting genocide.