Ray LaMontagne

10 Alternative Songs for Your Valentine’s Day Playlist

10 Alternative Songs for Your Valentine’s Day Playlist

These songs for Valentine’s Day playlists live on the fringes, outside that neat little box of what we consider to be typically romantic.

Telluride 2014: The Hills Are Alive With the Sound of Mandolins

Telluride 2014: The Hills Are Alive With the Sound of Mandolins

In 2014, Telluride is the perfect encapsulation of where it has been and where it is going to be in the future.
An Intimate Presentation of ‘Supernova’ with Ray LaMontagne: 2 May 2014 – New York

An Intimate Presentation of ‘Supernova’ with Ray LaMontagne: 2 May 2014 – New York

Grammy-winning, bearded folk singer Ray LaMontagne seemed to be quietly relishing his newfound, extroverted musical persona on stage at New York's Town Hall, even when words seemed to fail him.

The 10 Best Acoustic Covers

Catie Curtis: Stretch Limousine on Fire

David Gray + Ray LaMontagne: 25 August 2010 – Chicago

Ray LaMontagne & The Pariah Dogs: God Willin’ & The Creek Don’t Rise

Rewinding ‘Parenthood’: “Lost and Found”

Rachael Yamagata: Elephants…Teeth Sinking Into Heart

Ray LaMontagne: Gossip in the Grain

Ray LaMontagne: Till the Sun Turns Black

Ray LaMontagne: Trouble