René Clair

The 10 Best Classic Films on Blu-ray in 2021

The 10 Best Classic Films on Blu-ray in 2021

If you really want to understand today’s culture, it pays to watch old restored films such as these in our 10 Best Classic Films on Blu-ray in 2021.

René Clair’s ‘It Happened Tomorrow’ Is the First Great Film About Time Paradoxes

René Clair’s ‘It Happened Tomorrow’ Is the First Great Film About Time Paradoxes

Meant to divert wartime audiences with sheer escapism, René Clair’s ‘It Happened Tomorrow’ dives into a past where tomorrow looks troublesome.

Sympathy for the Devil: Two Supernatural Fantasies from René Clair

Sympathy for the Devil: Two Supernatural Fantasies from René Clair

I Married a Witch and Beauty and the Devil enjoy sophisticated evil.

‘The Beauty of the Devil’ and the Visual Feast

The Smoke in René Clair’s ‘I Married a Witch’ Is More Wispy Than Ominous