richard jenkins

The Flipside #10: The 2018 Oscar Nominations

The Flipside #10: The 2018 Oscar Nominations

With the Academy Awards upon us, the Flipside examines whether the world's biggest platform for movie recognition might actually get it right this year, and avoid any, let's say, giant televised mishaps.

‘Norman’ Tests the Limits of Sympathy

The Ghost of Ted Mosby Lingers in ‘Liberal Arts’

CIFF 2010: ‘Norman’ (Jonathan Segal, 2010)

Dear John / Dear Nicholas Sparks, I’m Breaking Up With You

Part 5: Toy Story 2 to Titus (November – December 1999)

The New Classics – The 30 Best Films of 2008

Iconic – The Top 20 Male Performances of 2008

Celulloid Culpability – Top 10 Film Guilty Pleasures of 2008

Burn After Reading (2008)

Step Brothers

Burn After Reading