richard matheson

When Charles Bronson went to France: ‘Rider on the Rain’ and Cold Sweat’

When Charles Bronson went to France: ‘Rider on the Rain’ and Cold Sweat’

Dismissed as "trash" in their day, Charles Bronson films Rider on the Rain and Cold Sweat belong to a Golden Age of internationally co-produced Euro-thrillers that combine pulp storytelling with stylistic elegance and intense emotion.

‘The Best of Richard Matheson’ Is Among the Best of Pop Culture

‘The Best of Richard Matheson’ Is Among the Best of Pop Culture

Richard Matheson's work has so permeated modern pop culture that it can be hard to find works not at least partially indebted to an idea of his or, as is more often the case, someone influenced by him.

‘The Vincent Price Collection II’ Is a B-Movie Lover’s Dream

‘The Vincent Price Collection II’ Is a B-Movie Lover’s Dream

Vincent Price brought class to everything he did, a quality evident even in the B-movies of The Vincent Price Collection II.

He Is, and Always Will Be, Legend: Richard Matheson (1926-2013)

Character Over Carnage: Dan Curtis (1928-2006)