ridley scott

Five Directors’ Cuts We’re Lucky Didn’t Happen

Five Directors’ Cuts We’re Lucky Didn’t Happen

The director knows best? Not always. Here are five directors’ cuts that we’re lucky didn’t happen – these films were improved by studio interference.

Trapped in the Long Tomorrow: ‘Blade Runner’, Cyberpunk, and Our Stuck Future

Trapped in the Long Tomorrow: ‘Blade Runner’, Cyberpunk, and Our Stuck Future

Blade Runner serves our vision of an inevitable dystopian future because we live in a “stuck future”, refusing to heed cyberpunk’s warning.

‘Alien’, Aristotle, and the Ruthless Forces That Control Us

‘Alien’, Aristotle, and the Ruthless Forces That Control Us

Imagine Aristotle sitting in a movie theater in 1979 with his tub of popcorn. If you think he would scoff at Alien‘s outlandish monster, think again.

Venice Film Festival 2021: Films to Watch

Venice Film Festival 2021: Films to Watch

Competition at Venice Film Festival 2021 will be fierce, with many of the world’s most renowned auteurs vying for the Volpi Cup and/or early Oscars buzz.

Tears in Rain: ‘Blade Runner’ and Philip K. Dick’s Legacy in Film

Tears in Rain: ‘Blade Runner’ and Philip K. Dick’s Legacy in Film

Blade Runner and Philip K. Dick’s work lives in our cinemas and minds. How did the visions of a paranoid loner become the most relevant sci-fi of our time?

The Top 10 Thought-Provoking Science Fiction Films

The Top 10 Thought-Provoking Science Fiction Films

Serious science fiction often takes a backseat to the more pulpy, crowdpleasing genre entries. Here are 10 titles far better than any "dogfight in space" adventure.
20 Films That Went From Bombs to Beloved

20 Films That Went From Bombs to Beloved

Not every cinematic bomb remains forgettable. Sometimes, a failure is just a gemstone in disguise that will only reveal itself well past the release date.
How Hollywood Saved Itself (Again) at the Summer 2017 Box Office

How Hollywood Saved Itself (Again) at the Summer 2017 Box Office

The Summer Box Office of 2017 does not represent the death of the Hollywood. It simply represents the changing face of Hollywood accounting.
2017 Fall Film Preview: At Last, the Film Industry Awakens From Its Slumber

2017 Fall Film Preview: At Last, the Film Industry Awakens From Its Slumber

From Gary Oldman in The Darkest Hour to James Franco's meta-experiment Blade Runner: 2049 and Daniel Day-Lewis's final role, here are the movies you'll want to watch ... and a couple you might not.
Is A.I. the New Other?

Is A.I. the New Other?

Aliens and robots are swapping seats as filmic sci-fi reformulates its visions of the foreign and the familiar.
Carsten Norgaard: The Mystery Man in ‘The Man in the High Castle’

Carsten Norgaard: The Mystery Man in ‘The Man in the High Castle’

It's tough playing a Nazi with a conscience, but veteran actor Carsten Norgaard not only lives up to the challenge presented in Amazon's The Man in the High Castle, but stretches beyond what's expected of him.

‘The Martian’ Does the Math

‘The Martian’ Does the Math

Ridley Scott’s futuristic lost astronaut epic The Martian strings logic puzzles through a ensemble dramedy that feels equal parts The Avengers and Gravity.