ridley scott

Deconstructing the Star Beast: How the ‘Alien’ Saga Went Wrong

Deconstructing the Star Beast: How the ‘Alien’ Saga Went Wrong

Alien was a planned B-Movie that transcended its genre and spawned the rare sequel that is neither imitation nor complete deviation. Then the saga went to hell.
10 Terrific Films With Alternate Endings

10 Terrific Films With Alternate Endings

With the birth of home video, filmmakers have been able to tinker with their vision. Here are ten examples, however, of where their original endings were changed before said movies were released.
The Context of ‘Exodus: Gods and Kings’ Is Out of Its Control

The Context of ‘Exodus: Gods and Kings’ Is Out of Its Control

Just like Moses' task from God, the social and cultural context that surrounds Exodus: Gods and Kings shapes it in ways that these actors and filmmakers might not have wanted.

Building the Perfect Star Beast: The Antecedents of ‘Alien’

Ranking Ridley: The 10 Best Films by Ridley Scott

Moral Conundrum Across the Ages: ‘Philip K Dick and Philosophy: Do Androids Have Kindred Spirits?’

The Story of a Woman on the Morning of a War

Days Till Retirement: Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep #23

SXSW Film Festival Day 5: ‘Life in a Day’ / ‘My Sucky Teen Romance’

‘Thelma & Louise’: The Coolest Women to Ever Drive a T-Bird

A Bunch of Blu 4

Stop Ridley Scott Before He Directs Again!