In the episode before the finale, several non-sexual climaxes are reach vis-a-vis relationships, love, the state of the tour, and the fate of The Staton-House Band itself.
The episode starts with a literal car crash that tries to convey all order will dissolve into chaos; despite a lot of complementary illustrations, the show continues to waffle about its true point.
In an up-close and personal episode, the gang’s in Denver for a hometown double bill, and everyone's got an itch that needs scratching when it comes to family.
They would drive 100 miles, and they would drive 100 more, just to break the curse that could bring down the tour in a fun episode that combines sex, former drugs, and superstition.
Rock 'n' roll is still the untellable enigma that us plebes will never understand in the pilot for Cameron Crowe's show about the backstage lives of our idols.