rooney mara

Sundance 2018: ‘Don’t Worry, He Won’t Get Far on Foot’ + ‘Juliet, Naked’

Sundance 2018: ‘Don’t Worry, He Won’t Get Far on Foot’ + ‘Juliet, Naked’

These two films with promising pedigrees fail to register as more than disappointing tweeners.

‘A Ghost Story’ Is an Artful Prelude to Pattern

‘A Ghost Story’ Is an Artful Prelude to Pattern

Lowery's movie transforms all manner of ordinary actions into weird little bits, most often offered in long takes and long distances, immobile images or slow frame movements.
‘Ain’t Them Bodies Saints’ Is a Simple Story with a Larger Truth

‘Ain’t Them Bodies Saints’ Is a Simple Story with a Larger Truth

Ain't Them Bodies Saints has been compared to Terrence Malick’s work, because both display a keen eye for capturing the beauty of nature. That’s where the similarities end.
‘Her’ – 51st New York Film Festival

‘Her’ – 51st New York Film Festival

Her shows the confines and varying dimensions of love -- primarily between a man and his operating system -- as it meditates on whether or not you can truly possess what you love.

The Not-So-Global Globes: International Tensions in the Film Industry

One by One, We’re All Becoming Shades: An Interview with Anjelica Huston