russian circles

MetalMatters: August 2019 – A Quiet Month to Enjoy Loud Music

MetalMatters: August 2019 – A Quiet Month to Enjoy Loud Music

For what is generally considered to be quiet month, the unearthly forces of the underground have produced a surprising amount of excellent works, with death metal and its black/death extension taking the lion's share.

Sumac: What One Becomes

Sumac: What One Becomes

What One Becomes finds great musicians doing occasionally great passages during experimentally structured 10-minute songs with death growls that sound like belches; in other words, Sumac is a mixed bag.
Chelsea Wolfe: The Abyss (take 2)

Chelsea Wolfe: The Abyss (take 2)

Chelsea Wolfe's latest throws her helplessly into the abyss, where she's buried under the sheer mass of her band's fearsome noise and her own paralyzed fatalism.
Sumac: The Deal

Sumac: The Deal

The latest project by metal titan Aaron Turner may be rough around the edges, but it's a thrilling enough ride to merit ignoring the bumps.
Russian Circles Celebrate Ten Years in Chicago – 30 January 2015

Russian Circles Celebrate Ten Years in Chicago – 30 January 2015

For the Chicago post-metal trio Russian Circles, ten years isn't just a number: it's a number that perfectly encapsulates the incredible journey they've taken up to this point.

Russian Circles + Deafheaven + Enemies: 28 April 2012 – Dublin

Russian Circles: Geneva

Russian Circles: Station

Russian Circles: Enter