same-sex marriage

Activist Documentary ‘Church and State’ Shows a New Mythos for Change

Activist Documentary ‘Church and State’ Shows a New Mythos for Change

The fight to legalize gay marriage is a story the Left must cherish, a tale of systemic justice in an era of burgeoning oppression, a refreshed vision for a time that needs a refreshed "public dream" for change.

In ‘Freeheld’, As in Life, It Takes Chutzpah to Challenge Convention

In ‘Freeheld’, As in Life, It Takes Chutzpah to Challenge Convention

Freehold cuts between private melodrama and public demonstration, not quite trusting the audience to grasp the everyday struggles facing lesbians in America.

The Power of Now

Your Brain in the Voting Booth

“I Am Not the Defiant One”: Lt. Dan Choi and the Vital Need to Achieve Full Personhood

When Gay People Get Married by M.V. Lee Badgett

Courting Equality by Patricia A. Gozemba and Karen Kahn