Live Forever: Oasis’ Enduring Appeal
As long as nostalgia is a driving motivator of cultural taste, Oasis will remain one of the world’s most popular bands.
As long as nostalgia is a driving motivator of cultural taste, Oasis will remain one of the world’s most popular bands.
The punk rock version of James Dean, Sid Vicious solidified his fame by dying young, leaving behind memories of his notorious behavior and the mystery of his girlfriend’s murder.
The Spirit of ’77 abounds as Sex Pistols round out the Top Ten on the Big List. Counterbalance take a cheap holiday in other people’s misery. Right. Now.
Punk's idea(l)s may have been fostered in Art schools, but its musical foundations were cultivated in garages.
The Sex Pistols’ Glen Matlock talks about that famous punk band he was in, his new project Good to Go, a little football, and David Bowie.
If 1977 was New Wave's breakout year, by 1979 it had become an industry force, all but replacing punk as a viable vehicle or term of currency.
Humorists have served as the conscience of cultures ever since (and before) court jesters ridiculed omnipotent royalty for its hypocrisy, pomposity, and corruption. Punk continues to fulfill that essential social role in relation to the powers-that-be of the modern world.
With a new PiL album and an autobiography out, the former Johnny Rotten looks back on his 59 years, calling them “strange” with “a serious learning curve” in his earliest days.