Two Southern-Fried Slices of Sordid ’60s Hicksploitation Films
Angry old men, sexy strumpets, moonshiners, corrupt sheriffs, and dumb farmhands populate them thar hills in these two low-budget ’60s hicksploitation films.
Angry old men, sexy strumpets, moonshiners, corrupt sheriffs, and dumb farmhands populate them thar hills in these two low-budget ’60s hicksploitation films.
Reading the Library of America’s comprehensive anthology, Joan Didion: The 1960s & 70s, is like walking out of the rain and into a compelling time warp.
Film history work Lewd Looks argues that sexploitation films provided an underground and important bridge between the end of old Hollywood and the start of something else.
Mike Ripley's "reader's history" may only occasionally leave you shaken or stirred, but it does provide a lot of titles to consider for your reading queue.
These two films fall on the disposable but fun end of the spectrum of sophisticated thrillers.