Sound Souvenirs

The Day Sarah Records Died

The Day Sarah Records Died

I first loved and admired Sarah Records not because it had begun, but because it had ended. It seemed to me ending things took much more courage, strength and self-discipline than beginning them.
Ubiquitous Grooves: A Vinyl Obituary

Ubiquitous Grooves: A Vinyl Obituary

Perhaps these days our real choice is not between buying vinyl or digital, but between listening and not listening.
The Curious Art of Wrapping Music

The Curious Art of Wrapping Music

With the 'gratuity' of music fostered by digital ubiquity came a renewed, exacting demand for magic artefacts.
The Visual Enchantment of Music Photography

The Visual Enchantment of Music Photography

Sometimes music photography tells stories that music cannot fully articulate, carrying in the images grain long-gone atmospheres.

Possessed by ‘Wild Palms’: How Far Will You Go to Feel Connected?

Possessed by ‘Wild Palms’: How Far Will You Go to Feel Connected?

Have listeners of the Danish ambient electronic outfit, Croatian Amor, given more of themselves than the musician ever would?
What Embers Still Burn in the Beautiful Ruins of Riot Grrrls’ Past?

What Embers Still Burn in the Beautiful Ruins of Riot Grrrls’ Past?

Riot grrrls wrote, recorded and produced a wealth of cultural objects. They left trails of scribbles, screams and lipstick traces in MP3 blogs and online archives