Sound Thoughts

A Re-Examination of U2’s ‘Songs of Innocence’

A Re-Examination of U2’s ‘Songs of Innocence’

With the publicity surrounding its Apple-sponsored release now a thing of the past, let's examine U2's conversation-starting Songs of Innocence for what it actually is.
Weezer and the Problem of Fan Expectation

Weezer and the Problem of Fan Expectation

Weezer's new album, Everything Will Be Alright in the End, walks the tenuous line between redressing the band's follies and giving in to banal fan service.
Knowing When to Indulge the Rock-Out Impulse

Knowing When to Indulge the Rock-Out Impulse

Making the big dumb rock gesture isn't always the cool thing to do. But a good musician always knows when it's best to do it anyway.
The Music Industry’s “1-2%” Death Knell

The Music Industry’s “1-2%” Death Knell

Articles hailing "the death of the music industry" are a dime a dozen, but recent stories about album sales, iTunes Radio, and radio audience shares -- when bundled together -- indicate that the big shift everyone has feared is actually genuinely happening.
SINGLE REVIEW: iamamiwhoami’s “Hunting for Pearls”

SINGLE REVIEW: iamamiwhoami’s “Hunting for Pearls”

Everyone's favorite avant-garde pop weirdo is at it again, and with the recent videos taking on a more aquatic vibe, the music, thankfully, remains as top-quality as ever.
SINGLE REVIEW: Coldplay’s “Midnight”

SINGLE REVIEW: Coldplay’s “Midnight”

Coldplay have been teasing out new material on soundtracks and the like, but this new fairly ominous track is unlike anything they've ever done before -- and it's the best thing that could ever happen to them.

From R. Kelly to ‘Reflektor’: The Rise and Fall of the Disco Revival

Arctic Monkeys’ Predictable Renovation

Lady Gaga’s Round of “Applause” (single review)

The Sound of Silence: On Rolling Stone’s ‘Bomber’ Cover

God and Man on ‘Modern Vampires of the City’

Trap Music and Old-School Britney: The Use of Music in ‘Spring Breakers’