Spaghetti In The Desert

‘A Town Called Hell’ Divides the Argument Over What Is a Spaghetti Western

‘A Town Called Hell’ Divides the Argument Over What Is a Spaghetti Western

Blood and sweat, revolution and revenge, close-up shots and sun-baked sets, and anti-heroes and voluptuous vixens -- is that enough?
‘Wanted’ Is a Spaghetti Western That Will Leave You Wanting

‘Wanted’ Is a Spaghetti Western That Will Leave You Wanting

The charisma of Giuliano Gemma and some stellar action sequences can't save this sub-par spaghetti western.
‘Blindman’ Is the Peerless Freak of Spaghetti Westerns

‘Blindman’ Is the Peerless Freak of Spaghetti Westerns

Blindman is a triumph that flawlessly blends the tenets of trash cinema with the virtues of the spaghetti western.
Jeffery Hunter Starred in ‘Find a Place to Die’ Just a Year Before His Tragic Death

Jeffery Hunter Starred in ‘Find a Place to Die’ Just a Year Before His Tragic Death

This late '60s flick is the curtain call for the Searchers actor Jeffrey Hunter.
‘Twice a Judas’ Is Saved by Klaus Kinski’s Brilliant Acting

‘Twice a Judas’ Is Saved by Klaus Kinski’s Brilliant Acting

Just as some sports fans enjoy the mental face-off that is every at-bat in baseball more than the constant scoring and dunking on a basketball court, many will find the slow pace of this spaghetti western inviting.
‘For a Few Dollars More’ Is a Rare Sequel That Is Superior to the Classic It Follows

‘For a Few Dollars More’ Is a Rare Sequel That Is Superior to the Classic It Follows

The archetype of the spaghetti western finds its truest expression in this essential film from Sergio Leone.
‘4 Dollars of Revenge’ Is the Spaghetti Western That Concludes With a Swordfight

‘4 Dollars of Revenge’ Is the Spaghetti Western That Concludes With a Swordfight

The only distinctive marker of this otherwise drab film is that it trades in guns for swords.
‘Sartana in the Valley of Death’ Is Missing a Protagonist

‘Sartana in the Valley of Death’ Is Missing a Protagonist

Even though this Valley of Death tips its hat to the classic spaghetti western Sartana character, he is nowhere to be found in the film. Based on how bad this is, that's probably for the best.
Lee Van Cleef’s Character in ‘Captain Apache’ Will Tomahawk His Way Into Your Memory

Lee Van Cleef’s Character in ‘Captain Apache’ Will Tomahawk His Way Into Your Memory

Although Lee Van Cleef's portrayal of a Native American will understandably raise concern in some viewers, this fun if cheesy film takes a clear anti-racism line.
‘Between God, the Devil and a Winchester’ Is the Spaghetti Western Take on ‘Treasure Island’

‘Between God, the Devil and a Winchester’ Is the Spaghetti Western Take on ‘Treasure Island’

This subpar spaghetti western struggles to keep the magic of Robert Louis Stevenson's classic novel alive.
Despite Its Flaws, ‘If You Meet Sartana… Pray for Your Death’ Stacks Up the Action

Despite Its Flaws, ‘If You Meet Sartana… Pray for Your Death’ Stacks Up the Action

High on body count and choreography, this movie is fortunately packed with enough action to distract from a mediocre plot.
‘Sundance Cassidy and Butch the Kid’ Was Supposed to Make Italy’s Greatest Boxer a Movie Star

‘Sundance Cassidy and Butch the Kid’ Was Supposed to Make Italy’s Greatest Boxer a Movie Star

Sundance Cassidy and Butch the Kid is proof that the athlete-to-actor transition is no natural one, but it's worth seeing if your expectations aren't too high going into it.