star trek: the next generation

Extras for an Hour, Voyagers for a Lifetime: ‘Live Long and Evolve’

Extras for an Hour, Voyagers for a Lifetime: ‘Live Long and Evolve’

Biology professor Mohamed A. F. Noor voyages through deep sci-fi in Live Long and Evolve, exploring how evolutionary biology is portrayed within the television franchise, Star Trek.

Star Trek’s Utopia: Dilemmas of the Early 21st and Late 24th Centuries

Star Trek’s Utopia: Dilemmas of the Early 21st and Late 24th Centuries

How do you challenge utopia in utopian ways when the utopia itself seems flawed?

Thrills, Trills and Outcasts, But Still No Happy Homo in the 24th Century

I Won’t iPad, You Can’t Make Me

Black Trekkie: Tuning Out to Tune In