The 15 Best Electropop Albums of 2020
The electropop universe was vast in 2020 with brilliant newish acts emerging, and experimentalists pushing the music forward. Meanwhile, a few legends returned to show us all how it's really done.
The electropop universe was vast in 2020 with brilliant newish acts emerging, and experimentalists pushing the music forward. Meanwhile, a few legends returned to show us all how it's really done.
Stats' Powys 1999 features songs that feel like they're gliding on a dance-rock groove, even when they actually aren't. The music is catchy and clever and always glossy.
London's Stats are a new dance pop band with a funky brand of electropop that has roots in glorious technicolor '80s synthpop, '70s art rock/Krautrock, and a bit of light disco froth on top.