steve mcniven

Healing and Nuance Amidst the Violence in ‘Return of Wolverine #1’

Healing and Nuance Amidst the Violence in ‘Return of Wolverine #1’

Wolverine coming back to life surprises no one, but the particulars bring unexpected intrigue.

On the Ambitious, World-building Narrative of ‘Marvel Legacy #1’

On the Ambitious, World-building Narrative of ‘Marvel Legacy #1’

At a time when all things related to fascism inspire Hulk-level outrage, the current legacy of Marvel is in a tenuous position.
The Creators of ‘Secret Empire #1’ Take a Huge Risk With This Issue

The Creators of ‘Secret Empire #1’ Take a Huge Risk With This Issue

Hydra may be fascist, but those who buy into it gain a level of security and certainty that doesn't require mind control to appreciate.
Marvelous Monstrous Mayhem in ‘Monsters Unleashed #1’

Marvelous Monstrous Mayhem in ‘Monsters Unleashed #1’

This is an over-the-top, action-packed thrill ride that pits iconic heroes against giant monsters

Captain America and a Past That Must Linger Still

Ultimate Galactus Trilogy