sucker punch

Where’s the So-called ‘Feminism’ in  Zack Snyder’s Violent ‘Sucker Punch’?

Where’s the So-called ‘Feminism’ in  Zack Snyder’s Violent ‘Sucker Punch’?

Cinema's Russian doll of vacuous misogynist hyper-sexualised spectacle is a swing-and-a-miss.

‘Sucker Punch’: Sound and Fury Signifying Nothing — a Furious Sounding Nothing

The Five Best Films of Spring 2011

Glam Slamdunk: In Defense of ‘Sucker Punch’

Five Hot Chicks and the MPAA, Why Can’t This Be Europe? Zack Snyder’s ‘Sucker Punch’

Sly 2: Band of Thieves