super smash bros.

Praying to the RNG Gods: What is Chance’s Place in Gaming?

Praying to the RNG Gods: What is Chance’s Place in Gaming?

Chance may make eSports a little too interesting.
In Defense of Camping

In Defense of Camping

Don’t hate the player. Hate the game.
‘Smash Bros.’ Personality Profiles

‘Smash Bros.’ Personality Profiles

Words can deceive. The way we fight reveals our true nature.
Nintendo in the Internet Age

Nintendo in the Internet Age

When it comes to modern online experiences, Nintendo soars one moment and then stumbles the next.
Competitive Depth and Exploitation in ‘Super Smash Bros. Melee’

Competitive Depth and Exploitation in ‘Super Smash Bros. Melee’

Error and exploitation have made Super Smash Bros. a success.