A ‘Midnight Mass’ for Post-Trump American Christianity
No work has so passionately tapped into the anxieties of Christianity in the wake of Donald Trump as Mike Flanagan’s mini-series, Midnight Mass.
No work has so passionately tapped into the anxieties of Christianity in the wake of Donald Trump as Mike Flanagan’s mini-series, Midnight Mass.
Sinuous camera moves and stylish direction, endings that surely wouldn't have flown after the Code crackdown: four pre-code talkies from Cecil B. DeMille, Phil Goldstone, Victor Halperin, and Stuart Walker.
Within the 26 hard-to-find episodes of Vampire Princess Miyu, there are murders, suicide, and even murder-suicides. There really is something for everyone. So why did it fail?
Exploring the charms and rituals believed to safeguard WWI soldiers makes A Supernatural War a fascinating read.
Nathan explores the hyperbolic mind of the teenager, a time bomb of unresolved emotion that can be unleashed at any perceived slight, no matter how minor.
Bryan Camp read academic works, self-published occult-y stuff, and primary sources to help craft his beautifully-realized tale of a New Orleans in which "the fantastical is possible."
Scholar Judith May Fathallah's work blurs lines between author and ethnographer, fan experiences and genre TV storytelling.