television feature

‘City So Real’ and the Politics of a Modern Metropolis

‘City So Real’ and the Politics of a Modern Metropolis

One of the crowning achievements of City So Real is that it shows that the fight for racial justice in Chicago became adopted by people of all identities thanks to the tireless work of organizers.

Steve McQueen’s ‘Small Axe’ and Emerging Institutions of Black Power

How ‘Watchmen’ and ‘The Boys’ Deconstruct American Fascism

How ‘Watchmen’ and ‘The Boys’ Deconstruct American Fascism

Superhero media has a history of critiquing the dark side of power, hero worship, and vigilantism, but none have done so as radically as Watchmen and The Boys.

‘Avatar: The Last Airbender’ Nudges Out Conscience in Our Time of Crises

‘Avatar: The Last Airbender’ Nudges Out Conscience in Our Time of Crises

Avatar shows us that to fight for only the people we know, for simply the things that affect us personally, is neither brave nor heroic, nor particularly useful.

Seinfeld Was Wrong About Keith Hernandez’s Spit-Shot, Possibly

Seinfeld Was Wrong About Keith Hernandez’s Spit-Shot, Possibly

It seems the entire Phillies team were just the patsies in Seinfeld's Magic Loogie episode. Let me demonstrate.

‘Tiger King’ and the Post-Truth Culture War

‘Tiger King’ and the Post-Truth Culture War

Tiger King -- released during and dominating the streaming-in-lockdown era -- exemplifies in real-time the feedback loop between entertainment and ideology.

What ‘Avatar: The Last Airbender’ Taught Me About Unlearning Toxic Masculinity

What ‘Avatar: The Last Airbender’ Taught Me About Unlearning Toxic Masculinity

When I first came out as trans, I desperately wanted acceptance and validation into the "male gender", and espoused negative beliefs toward my femininity. Avatar: The Last Airbender helped me transcend that.

Why I Did Not Watch ‘Hamilton’ on Disney+

Why I Did Not Watch ‘Hamilton’ on Disney+

Just as Disney's Frozen appeared to deliver a message of 21st century girl power, Hamilton hypnotizes audiences with its rhyming hymn to American exceptionalism.

How HBO Max’s Ballroom Dance Show ‘Legendary’ Became Compelling TV in 2020

How HBO Max’s Ballroom Dance Show ‘Legendary’ Became Compelling TV in 2020

Not many knew what to make of HBO Max's initial reality competition Legendary when it first premiered, but the high tensions that ended Season 1, Episode 5 escalated the vogue-tastic and defiantly queer celebration of ballroom culture into the must-watch event of the year.

Fleabag’s Hot Priest and Love as Longing

Fleabag’s Hot Priest and Love as Longing

In season two of Fleabag, The Priest's inaccessibility turns him into a sort of god, powerful enough for Fleabag to suddenly find herself spending hours in church with no religious motivation.

Power Struggle in Beauty Pageants: On ‘Mrs. America’ and ‘Miss Americana’

Power Struggle in Beauty Pageants: On ‘Mrs. America’ and ‘Miss Americana’

Television min-series Mrs. America and Taylor Swift documentary Miss Americana make vivid how beauty pageants are more multi-dimensional than many assume, offering a platform to some (attractive) women to pursue higher education, politics, and more.

Don’t Let Roseanne Barr Ruin Roseanne’s Legacy

Don’t Let Roseanne Barr Ruin Roseanne’s Legacy

Watching the Roseanne family's hopes and dreams dashed over nine seasons made the show highly relatable then -- and now.