15 Same-Title Songs Go Head-to-Head
We rank 15 pairs of songs with shared titles and unearthed some wonderfully incongruous mashups and plenty of sacrilegious opinions.
We rank 15 pairs of songs with shared titles and unearthed some wonderfully incongruous mashups and plenty of sacrilegious opinions.
Great artists suffer, so we don’t have to! Rather than face such personal demons ourselves, we list 15 classic songs about addiction for the morning after.
Forget “Monster Mash”! These ten memorable campfire frightfests should deliver a solid foundation for your scary-yet-sophisticated Halloween.
Too many bands feature rock singers that merely get the job done and not much else. Here we list ten unheralded vocalists who caught our ear and stayed there.
We list ten pop songs officially deemed “Too Good to Be a Hit”. Our sole requirement is cracking the official US Billboard Top 40 chart for at least one week.