the birds

Stop Laughing: A Difference of Laughter Between British and American Hitchcock

Stop Laughing: A Difference of Laughter Between British and American Hitchcock

While Alfred Hitchcock is famous for the humor that he injected into his thrillers, there are striking differences in the humor between his British and American periods.

The Three Faces of Alfred Hitchcock

The Three Faces of Alfred Hitchcock

We must view Alfred Hitchcock as the brilliant, horrifying, innovative, monstrous composite he authentically was.

Reshaping the Stories: ‘Scripting Hitchcock’

Insufferable Human Drama as Catalyst in Hitchcock’s ‘The Birds’

Hitchcock 101: Day Ten, 1963 – 1966

The Primal Drive of Fear and Desire in Hitchcock’s ‘Vertigo’ and ‘The Birds’

Is Suda 51 the Alfred Hitchcock of Video Games?