The Cat Lady

Indie Horror Month 2016: ‘Downfall’ Explores Depression, Bulimia, and Suicide Through Horror

Indie Horror Month 2016: ‘Downfall’ Explores Depression, Bulimia, and Suicide Through Horror

Downfall finds horror in helpfulness.
Moving Pixels Podcast: ‘The Cat Lady’ and the Terror of Loneliness

Moving Pixels Podcast: ‘The Cat Lady’ and the Terror of Loneliness

The Cat Lady is a game that is interested in the horrors of grappling with depression and anxiety, despite its often horror-movie-inspired presentation.
Violence Is No Cure for Depression

Violence Is No Cure for Depression

The Cat Lady is a horror game, but it’s not about the horror of supernatural beings or serial killers or anything as flashy and shocking as that. It's about the horror of normal life.
It Can Be Difficult Killing People

It Can Be Difficult Killing People

In Call of Duty, it takes under 30 seconds to kill five people. Killing five people in The Cat Lady takes eight hours.