25 of the Best Country Songs of the 1990s
The sound of 1990s country was bigger and louder than ever before, and it reached far larger audiences than the genre had ever attained.
The sound of 1990s country was bigger and louder than ever before, and it reached far larger audiences than the genre had ever attained.
There is no genre with as rich a history of songs about many forms of death–by natural causes, murder, suicide, war, accidents, and so on–than country.
Despite a global pandemic, an economic crash, and the shut-down of international touring, 2020 bestowed an embarrassment of musical riches upon us.
Gaslighter is bold and incendiary, finding the Chicks reclaiming their relevance. Thankfully, the Chicks reject silencing as Gaslighter reestablishes their penchant for vocalizing raw truths.