The French Connection

The Beautiful Game in the Time of Tyranny

The Beautiful Game in the Time of Tyranny

What a Brazilian football player who taught a nation how to fight dictatorship can teach us in the Age of Trump.
Football in the Age of Late Capitalism: Field Notes From the 2016 Euro

Football in the Age of Late Capitalism: Field Notes From the 2016 Euro

Behind a veneer of youthful glamour, the Euro all but groaned under the weight of excess global capital, merciless media scrutiny, hyperprofessionalization, domestic French anxieties, and geopolitics.
Dark Knight of the Republic: The Terrifying Monsieur Pasqua

Dark Knight of the Republic: The Terrifying Monsieur Pasqua

As hatchet man and master of dirty tricks for Charles de Gaulle, Pasqua operated under the ethos that "democracy ends where the interests of the state begin."
The 10 Best Car Chase Films

The 10 Best Car Chase Films

As Furious 7 rapidly approaches, it's time to look back on the 10 films that created our concept of the car chase and its place in the modern action effort.

‘The French Connection’ Is Transcontinental in More Ways Than One