the incredible hulk

‘The Incredible Hulk’ Is the Black Sheep of the Marvel Cinematic Universe

‘The Incredible Hulk’ Is the Black Sheep of the Marvel Cinematic Universe

Marvel Studios' goal with The Incredible Hulk was to rehabilitate the Hulk in the minds of moviegoers after a disappointing 2003 film, and also reimagine him as a more heroic character that would fit within the larger universe it was crafting.

Ranking the Marvel Cinematic Universe From ‘Iron Man’ to ‘Infinity War’

Ranking the Marvel Cinematic Universe From ‘Iron Man’ to ‘Infinity War’

With the release of the Marvel Cinematic Universe's defining moment that was Avengers: Infinity War, our staff assembles a ranking of the story so far.

‘Kirby: King of Comics’ Proves the Marvel Universe Lives and Dies on Paper

Ang Lee’s Bruce Banner Can’t Carry the Weight of Hulk

The Reluctant Superhero: The Guilty Walk of David Banner

The Reluctant Superhero: The Guilty Walk of David Banner

The Incredible Hulk offered a number of metaphors for both post-war guilt and issues of white masculinity.

The Reluctant Superhero: Marvel TV in the ’70s

Superheroes Versus Comics

The Incredible Hulk

The Incredible Hulk (2008)

The Incredible Hulk

The Incredible Hulk: Madly in Anger with You

The Acceptable ‘Hulk’