The Jesus and Mary Chain

The Jesus and Mary Chain Become Self-Referential

The Jesus and Mary Chain Become Self-Referential

On Glasgow Eyes, the Jesus and Mary Chain are comfortable settling in and stretching out a bit. They will never not be cool—just maybe not required listening.

10 Essential Shoegaze Albums That Aren’t ‘Loveless’

10 Essential Shoegaze Albums That Aren’t ‘Loveless’

Despite all the criticism and perhaps unworthy purple praise, there remains virtually a whole shoegaze movement that people ignore outside of its pink, hazy zenith.

12 Essential 1980s Alternative Rock Albums

12 Essential 1980s Alternative Rock Albums

PopMatters' '80s alt-rock primer spotlights the essential alternative rock albums from the broad genre's rich and diverse early years.

The Jesus and Mary Chain: Live at Barrowlands

The Jesus and Mary Chain: Live at Barrowlands

Live at Barrowlands is as much a kick to the groin as Psychocandy was on its release three decades ago.
Makes You Want to Feel: The Jesus and Mary Chain’s “Head On”

Makes You Want to Feel: The Jesus and Mary Chain’s “Head On”

Though not from the Mary Chain's most acclaimed album, 1989's "Head On" is one of the band's better offerings, a classic example of how the proper amount of attitude can elevate a song.

Counterbalance No. 84: The Jesus and Mary Chain’s ‘Psychocandy’

The Submarines: The Shoelaces EP

Ringo Deathstarr: Shadow EP

The Jesus and Mary Chain: The Power of Negative Thinking

Chasing Honey Bees: The Jesus and Mary Chain and the Post-Masterpiece Struggle

Brilliant Colors: The Jesus and Mary Chain Beyond Psychocandy