12 Must-Have Songs for Your Halloween Playlist
Before you go out to your favorite haunted house or visit your favorite witchy woman, be sure to have the proper monster music handy.
Before you go out to your favorite haunted house or visit your favorite witchy woman, be sure to have the proper monster music handy.
Ramones’ Ramones uses reduction as a means to end, to bring rock back to its roots, whereas Devo’s Q: Are We Not Men? uses reduction as the end itself to mirror society’s decline.
Although beloved by millions, Gen Z’s pop punk may also be punk’s most hated form, yet its roots are deep in “pure punk” soil.
The making the Ramones’ Pleasant Dreams was tainted by personal conflicts and industry interference. Joey wanted pop and Johnny wanted punk rock.
Whether you're at the beach, hanging out in the park, or stuck in a tiny flat, these 20 timeless summer classics are sure to make the summer sun shine a little bit brighter.
Glam Punk is "Rock 'n' roll with lipstick on," sneered John Lennon.
Ask most punk fans today to name their top ten punk songs and bands and it's likely that the Ramones, Sex Pistols and the Clash will still be there.
Humorists have served as the conscience of cultures ever since (and before) court jesters ridiculed omnipotent royalty for its hypocrisy, pomposity, and corruption. Punk continues to fulfill that essential social role in relation to the powers-that-be of the modern world.
This new book featuring concert photos taken by fans is a stylish, interesting, and absorbing, yet somewhat incomplete look at the history of popular music.