the wire

In Defense of David Simon and the Legacy of ‘The Wire’

Oh, Indeed: ‘The Wire’ and False Choices

‘How to Make It in America’? Well for Starters, Don’t Make Hopeful Television

The ‘Down-Low’ Is Still Kept Down and Low in Black Communities

Beyond Jodie Dallas: TV’s 10 Most Important LGBT Characters

Drawn Together: Cornell’s “Demon Knights” and the Ideal of Camelot

Five TV on DVD Shows Worth Watching (or Rewatching) This Summer

Reality, and Then Some, as Conveyed in ‘The Wire’ and ‘Oliver Twist’

J.F.K. Symbolism on ‘The Sopranos’

HBO or TV: Or How ‘The Wire’ Is Not a Novel

Gotta Be ‘In Treatment’

‘The Wire’ As American Noir