
‘Star Trek: Discovery’ and ‘The Orville’: To Boldly Go Where We’ve Already Gone

‘Star Trek: Discovery’ and ‘The Orville’: To Boldly Go Where We’ve Already Gone

Whereas Star Trek: Discovery continues to explore ideological complexities, so far The Orville seems little more than a celebration of Seth MacFarlane's love of the Star Trek property and his ability to indulge in expensive cosplay.

‘Twin Peaks’ and Its Twisted Reflection

‘Twin Peaks’ and Its Twisted Reflection

The return of Twin Peaks fundamentally reshapes the theme of the entire text, refashioning it into a meditation upon reflection, and the inability to know oneself.
‘About Time’ Is the Donald Trump of Romantic Comedies

‘About Time’ Is the Donald Trump of Romantic Comedies

About Time professes to celebrate life, but instead celebrates perhaps the most narcissistic, selfish behaviour ever rendered in film.
Shakespeare’s ‘As You Like It’ Trumps Reality TV

Shakespeare’s ‘As You Like It’ Trumps Reality TV

Shakespeare's As You Like It employed every signature reality show convention three and a half centuries before television even existed.
Things Strange: The Dungeon Master of ‘Stranger Things’

Things Strange: The Dungeon Master of ‘Stranger Things’

Stranger Things crafts something wholly individual out of the chrysalis of the past, turning the comfort of nostalgia against itself.
Romeo + Juliet + Baz Luhrmann: Reconsidered

Romeo + Juliet + Baz Luhrmann: Reconsidered

Baz Luhrmann's films are not subtle. So why do I like Romeo + Juliet so much?
Chaos Does Not Mean Despair in Bowie’s Soundscapes

Chaos Does Not Mean Despair in Bowie’s Soundscapes

What Bowie's music describes, again and again, is that we were endlessly, relentlessly killing ourselves.
Night-Wing Media: Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart’s Lessons in Discourse

Night-Wing Media: Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart’s Lessons in Discourse

Through the levelling power of humour, The Daily Show and The Colbert Report cut through the culture's sensationalism and panic to remind us of the baseline of normality beneath all the hysteria.
’24 – Live Another Day’ ‘Cause You’re Gonna Die Anyway

’24 – Live Another Day’ ‘Cause You’re Gonna Die Anyway

24 began sugared-up on gooey clichés of liberty and freedom -- and ended in hypoglycemic shock. Would a new series be worse for our health?
Look at You, You Big Silly, Says ‘Assassin’s Creed 3’

Look at You, You Big Silly, Says ‘Assassin’s Creed 3’

Assassin's Creed 3 is an enormous, beautifully rendered sandbox game designed to kick sand in your face.
Still Life: The Portrait of Time in ‘Boyhood’

Still Life: The Portrait of Time in ‘Boyhood’

Boyhood sets itself the daunting task of reflecting the breadth of a human adolescence, but it instead reveals that it is in life's minutia that we find the most meaning.
The Upside of No-See Me: Invisibility and ‘Buffy, the Vampire Slayer’

The Upside of No-See Me: Invisibility and ‘Buffy, the Vampire Slayer’

For Buffy, turning invisible allows her to indulge all her worst impulses; but in doing so, she realizes that she is not embracing life, but fleeing it.