
It’s Not Easy Seeking Green: My Muppet Show

It’s Not Easy Seeking Green: My Muppet Show

My Muppet Show is the Orpheus myth. You just have to swap out Orpheus for me; Eurydice for a frog; a lyre for a cartoon banjo; and Hades for the iTunes store.
The Persistence of Mockery: Garfield and Surrealism

The Persistence of Mockery: Garfield and Surrealism

Goofing around with Garfield on The Garfield Randomiser and Garfield Minus Garfield evokes the poetic Surrealism that arose from Dadism.
In the Shadow of the Shadow of the Bat

In the Shadow of the Shadow of the Bat

It's common knowledge that the 'best' superhero is the one in cape and cowl. And that's true. It's just not the one you think.
‘Anchorman’s’ Ron Burgundy: The Man, The Myth, the Media

‘Anchorman’s’ Ron Burgundy: The Man, The Myth, the Media

Anchorman 2 is bigger, bolder, brasher and more bizarre than its antecedent, but it also gives a pertinent critique of the medium it has chosen to satirise.
‘Lost’ and Found: Mystery Boxes and Pleasure Domes

‘Lost’ and Found: Mystery Boxes and Pleasure Domes

Lost arrived with the thunderous roar of exploding fuselage. It cut wildly through pop-culture stereotypes, and then left its fans lost and bewildered amidst the wreckage.

Blood, Bugs and Gore: ‘Gears of War 2’, Postpartum Edition

Blood, Bugs and Gore: ‘Gears of War 2’, Postpartum Edition

Gears of War is not about narrative. It's about gut instinct. Pure, primal, primitive emotion. It paints on a big canvas, and uses thick brushstrokes, but the result is an unfiltered, expressionistic roar. It's just like a newborn baby.

How the Time Lords Invented TV: 50 Years of Doctor Who

‘Beyond Good & Evil’, Beyond Art & Not-Art

Bees and Birds and Bluths, Oh My…: ‘Arrested Development’ Season 4