
Andrea Pallaoro’s Trans Drama ‘Monica’ Has a Painter’s Touch

Andrea Pallaoro’s Trans Drama ‘Monica’ Has a Painter’s Touch

Andrea Pallaoro’s artful drama, Monica, is a reflection on how pain evolves, from the original words or actions to the silence and distance that hurts us more.

Uýra of ‘Uýra: The Rising Forest’ on Nature’s Trans[formational] Power

Uýra of ‘Uýra: The Rising Forest’ on Nature’s Trans[formational] Power

Brazilian artist Uýra shares how Indigenous struggles to preserve the natural world intersect with queer efforts in an essential act for humankind’s survival.

Short Story Collection ‘Transitions’ Sets the Mind in Motion

Short Story Collection ‘Transitions’ Sets the Mind in Motion

Transitions is an exceptional collection of short stories that deserves recognition both for the quality of the writing and its provocative themes.

‘Transgender Street Legend Vol. 2’ Finds Left at London “At My Peak and Still Rising”

‘Transgender Street Legend Vol. 2’ Finds Left at London “At My Peak and Still Rising”

"[Pandemic lockdown] has been a detriment to many people's mental health," notes Nat Puff (aka Left at London) around her incendiary, politically-charged new album, "but goddamn it if I haven't been making some bops here and there!"

Wendy Carlos: Musical Pioneer, Reluctant Icon

Wendy Carlos: Musical Pioneer, Reluctant Icon

Amanda Sewell's vastly informative new biography on musical trailblazer Wendy Carlos is both reverent and honest.

“I’ll See You Later”: Repetition and Time in Pedro Almodóvar’s ‘All About My Mother’

“I’ll See You Later”: Repetition and Time in Pedro Almodóvar’s ‘All About My Mother’

There are mythical moments in Almodóvar’s All About My Mother. We are meant to register repetition in the story as something wonderfully strange, a connection across the chasm of impossibility.

‘Trans Power’ Is a Celebration of Radical Power and Beauty

‘Trans Power’ Is a Celebration of Radical Power and Beauty

Juno Roche's Trans Power discusses trans identity not as a passageway between one of two linear destinations, but as a destination of its own.

‘Going Stealth’: Trans Politics and Surveillance Practices

‘Going Stealth’: Trans Politics and Surveillance Practices

When activists cooperate with a repressive state, who gets left behind?

‘A Fantastic Woman’ Is a Tale of Identities Half-Formed, Half-Believed

‘A Fantastic Woman’ Is a Tale of Identities Half-Formed, Half-Believed

Unfortunately, Sebastian Lelio’s foreign film-Oscar nominated drama about a transgender woman, A Fantastic Woman, is something of a half-shaped film.

When One’s ‘True Sex’ Is Discovered in America

When One’s ‘True Sex’ Is Discovered in America

The rich portraits Skidmore creates of these trans men can help illuminate not only their lives but also the lives of many other trans people who remain undiscovered and anonymous.

The Power of Created Stories in Ivan Coyote’s ‘Tomboy Survival Guide’

The Power of Created Stories in Ivan Coyote’s ‘Tomboy Survival Guide’

Ivan Coyote's Tomboy Survival Guide is full of well-told tales about growing up transgender in the Yukon.
The Ongoing Conversation of Gender and Sexuality

The Ongoing Conversation of Gender and Sexuality

Dutch author Maxim Februari's The Making of a Man is an interesting, if sometimes frustrating, contribution to discussions of gender and sexuality.