travel literature

This Sybille Bedford Biography Is Worthy of Its Subject

This Sybille Bedford Biography Is Worthy of Its Subject

Masterful writer Sybille Bedford finally gets a biography as rich and expansive as her life from Selina Hastings.

Why Do We Travel? On Erika Fatland’s ‘Sovietistan’

Why Do We Travel? On Erika Fatland’s ‘Sovietistan’

Social anthropologist Erika Fatland eschews many of the clichés of Post-Soviet travel writing, providing an incident-packed trip to a vast, often-overlooked region in Sovietistan.

On the Plain of Snakes: A Mexican Journey (By the Book)

On the Plain of Snakes: A Mexican Journey (By the Book)

Paul Theroux is among PopMatters' favorite travel writers. In this excerpt of On the Plain of Snakes, wherein he traverses the Mexico/US border, Theroux takes us to the ancient city of Oaxaca, bringing forth the dignity of its Zapotec and Mixtec people.

The Mexican Journey That Made Sybille Bedford One of the 20th Century’s Finest Writers

The Mexican Journey That Made Sybille Bedford One of the 20th Century’s Finest Writers

In her Mexican journey memoir, Sybille Bedford is trying to grasp at what would later emerge as post-colonial thinking, in her post-Victorian manner of speaking.

‘Travels in Siberia’ Conjures a Place That Doesn’t Really Exist