twin shadow

The 70 Best Albums of 2010

The 70 Best Albums of 2010

2010's best albums are highlighted by the emergence of a future superstar, two veteran and virtuoso rappers, and a Dream Team of indie bands releasing career peaks.

2018 ACL Music Festival Recap – Sunday, Day 3

2018 ACL Music Festival Recap – Sunday, Day 3

In a day chock full of fantastic performers like Elle King, Twin Shadow, and the Arctic Monkeys, it's Janelle Monae who leaves ACL speechless.

Twin Shadow Is Best When He Focuses on the Pop Hooks in ‘Caer’

Twin Shadow Is Best When He Focuses on the Pop Hooks in ‘Caer’

Caer shows definite signs that Twin Shadow is moving in the right direction. However, the album is too often bogged down by cheerless beats, painted in varying shades of beige.

Twin Shadow: 24 September 2012 – Washington D.C.

Capitol Hill Block Party: 20 – 22 July 2012 – Seattle

Twin Shadow: Confess

Crossing Brooklyn Ferry: 3 May 2012 – New York

The Hush Now: Memos

Glasser + Twin Shadow: 15.Nov.2010 – Washington D.C.

Twin Shadow to Tour the World (video / tour )