Veronica Mars

PopTalk: Breaking Down the Dollars and Cents of Crowdfunding

PopTalk: Breaking Down the Dollars and Cents of Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding sites like Kickstarter and Indiegogo offer both indie and major filmmakers an array of opportunities to see their visions realized. But does it come with strings attached?
Does Fan Service Ruin Television?

Does Fan Service Ruin Television?

Too often fan service, not inspiration, becomes the end goal of creative work.
‘Veronica Mars’: Return to Neptune

‘Veronica Mars’: Return to Neptune

Veronica Mars is a movie based on the beloved TV show that's about TV shows as much as it's about anything else.

In Defense of an Ugly Betty Movie

Crowdfunding and Me

Kafka on Kickstarter: Crowdsourcing, Capitalism and Art

The Year in TV: July 2010

2011’s TV Trend: Remakes

The Ten Best Holiday Episodes

Teenage Circus: Teenagers on TV

Nancy Drew: The White Wolf of Icicle Creek

Veronica Mars