víctor del árbol

The Best Books of 2020: Fiction

The Best Books of 2020: Fiction

We didn't turn to fiction for those much needed periods of escapism in 2020. Nor did we turn to fiction for answers, because of course, the best fiction doesn't provide "answers". We turned to these works of fiction for the questions they raise.

‘Breathing Through the Wound’ Will Leave You Gasping for Air

‘Breathing Through the Wound’ Will Leave You Gasping for Air

As dizzying as Víctor Del Árbol's philosophy of crime may appear, the layering of motifs in Breathing Through the Wound is vertiginous.

The Paradox We All Must Live with: del Árbol’s ‘A Million Drops’

The Paradox We All Must Live with: del Árbol’s ‘A Million Drops’

Víctor del Árbol's A Million Drops is a mystery-thriller in the best tradition of the genre, one which offers an intricately-researched historical tale while also trying to say something appreciably profound about human nature.