
‘Foxtrot’ Is a ‘Catch-22’ for Our Time

‘Foxtrot’ Is a ‘Catch-22’ for Our Time

Samuel Maoz's philosophical black comedy is a triptych of surrealism laced with insights about warfare and grief that are both timeless and timely.

Apocalypse, American Style

Apocalypse, American Style

Apocalypse Now is the most iconic American film about America’s War in Vietnam. But we are not here to expand the myth. We are here to explode it.

The Difference Between Truth and Honesty: Director Richard Linklater on ‘Last Flag Flying’

The Difference Between Truth and Honesty: Director Richard Linklater on ‘Last Flag Flying’

"Little lies. It's social lubrication," says Linklater, "verbal alcohol, so that we can all kind of get along."

‘Land of Mine’ Explores the Intolerable Costs of Nationalistic Vengeance

‘Land of Mine’ Explores the Intolerable Costs of Nationalistic Vengeance

Land of Mine is perhaps the most powerful denunciation of nationalism's destructive force as we'll see on movie screens in 2017.

Best of the Moving Pixels Podcast: Storytelling in War Games

Artist Phil Collins Examines How War Is Presented to the Public in ‘how to make a refugee’

Artist Phil Collins Examines How War Is Presented to the Public in ‘how to make a refugee’

Phil Collins examines the consumerist aspects of depicting war in his short film 'how to make a refugee'.
Juxtapositions of Beauty and Destruction in Michael Cimino’s ‘The Deer Hunter’

Juxtapositions of Beauty and Destruction in Michael Cimino’s ‘The Deer Hunter’

Unlike war films to follow, there's no post-war celebration to be had in The Deer Hunter.
Double Take: Stanley Kubrick’s Dr. Strangelove (1964)

Double Take: Stanley Kubrick’s Dr. Strangelove (1964)

With its obvious satire of male aggression and its parallel with today's news headlines, why aren't students 'getting' this classic ultimate black comedy?

Drawing Disaster: Comics, War and Trauma

‘Eye in the Sky’ Shows There Is No Remove When Waging War from a Distance

‘Eye in the Sky’ Shows There Is No Remove When Waging War from a Distance

For all the intelligence and firepower that such technology allows, drones also raise pressing questions, laid out in Eye in the Sky with a schematic and often unnerving precision.

The Moving Pixels Podcast Steps Over ‘The Line’

Another Kind of Horror: ‘When Paris Went Dark’

Another Kind of Horror: ‘When Paris Went Dark’

When Paris Went Dark is a penetrating history of the anxiety, confusion, claustrophobia, and uncertainty experienced by a city in the grip of an unpredictable menace.