wesley snipes

The Darkness in ‘Blade: Trinity’ Ain’t Hiding Much

‘Blade II’ Pioneers the Marvel Sequel Yet Remains Hopelessly Outdated

‘Blade II’ Pioneers the Marvel Sequel Yet Remains Hopelessly Outdated

If Blade reflected its time in 1998, Blade II, despite of-the-moment visual effects dazzling action, feels like a film from an earlier era.
It All Began the Day ‘Blade’ Sliced Through the Silver Screen

It All Began the Day ‘Blade’ Sliced Through the Silver Screen

How Blade found success out of the rubble of comic book films and Marvel's bankruptcy.


Blade: Trinity: Unrated Version (2004)

Blade: Trinity (2004)

Undisputed (2002)

Blade II (2002)