wild nothing

The 60 Best Songs of 2018

The 60 Best Songs of 2018

The year in song reflected the state of the world around us. Here are the 60 songs that spoke to us this year.

The Best Shoegaze and Dream Pop of 2018

The Best Shoegaze and Dream Pop of 2018

Significant shoegaze storylines came around full circle last year, and in 2018 the plot thickened. Meanwhile, the chilling effects of dream pop continue to reverberate across other musical spheres.

The 10 Best Pop Albums of 2018

The 10 Best Pop Albums of 2018

In a year when we wanted the radio star to have an opinion on the political divide, leave it to these ten exemplary pop records to slip in -- largely unnoticed -- and leave a lasting legacy all their own.

Wild Nothing’s Jack Tatum on Dream Pop and Pigeonholing

Wild Nothing’s Jack Tatum on Dream Pop and Pigeonholing

PopMatters speaks with Wild Nothing's Jack Tatum about moving home to Virginia, musical transitions, and how to build on the best influences from the past.

Wild Nothing Goes ’80s New Wave on ‘Indigo’

Wild Nothing Goes ’80s New Wave on ‘Indigo’

Indigo signals a throwback to Wild Nothing's previous LP Gemini while also traversing the sonic territory of '80s new wave.

The 18 Best Songs of Wild Nothing

The 18 Best Songs of Wild Nothing

For nine years, Wild Nothing has rolled out one melodic gem after another, layering in guitars, synth lines, propulsive rhythms, and Jack Tatum's understated but sublime vocals to nearly perfect dream pop.

The 10 Best Shoegaze and Dream Pop Albums of 2016

The 10 Best Shoegaze and Dream Pop Albums of 2016

Twenty years on, in 2016, shoegaze -- and its demure twin sister, dream pop -- is a continuing presence and influence on guitar music.
Wild Nothing – “Reichpop” (Singles Going Steady)

Wild Nothing – “Reichpop” (Singles Going Steady)

“Reichpop” is the triumphant shedding of Wild Nothing's previous C86-obsessed jangle-pop tropes.

Wild Nothing – “Only Heather” (video) + Tour Dates

Reluctant Stardom: Three Days with Wild Nothing’s Jack Tatum

Reluctant Stardom: Three Days with Wild Nothing’s Jack Tatum

Wild Nothing’s Jack Tatum talks with PopMatters about finding his little pocket in the music world.

The Best New Artists of 2012

Wild Nothing: Nocturne