Worlds In Panels

‘Fresh Romance’ and ‘Island’ Signal a Revival of the Anthology Periodical

What’s Wrong With X-Men Bobby Drake’s Coming Out Story?

Time, Space and Plasticity in Long-running Comics Series

Judging Comics by Their Covers: Comic Books, Text, Paratext and Context

How Digital Comics Changed the Way I Think About Print

The GeekGirlCon Effect

On Not Showing the Action: Stillness in ‘Trees’

Who Wants to Read Comics on a Computer?

‘Shutter’, ‘Saga’ and ‘The Private Eye’ Showcase the Best of What Comics Can Do

With ‘Captain America: The Winter Soldier’ the MCU Decisively Breaks with Comics

The Gritty and the Real: Unpacking the Realism Trope in Superhero Films

What Do We Do When Our Online Comics Collections Explode?