
W. E. B. Du Bois’ Unfinished WWI History Speaks Volumes About America

W. E. B. Du Bois’ Unfinished WWI History Speaks Volumes About America

W. E. B. Du Bois hoped that WWI would help Black Americans make gains at home after serving their country abroad. His work for racial progress, like America itself, remains unfinished.

BFI LFF: Terence Davies’ ‘Benediction’ Sees a War-Haunted Generation Through a Poet’s Eyes

BFI LFF: Terence Davies’ ‘Benediction’ Sees a War-Haunted Generation Through a Poet’s Eyes

Terence Davies’ Benediction effectively evokes wartime suffering via British World War I poet and author Siegfried Sassoon’s story.

The Wrath Wrought by that Other Grapes of Wrath

The Wrath Wrought by that Other Grapes of Wrath

‘The Grapes of Wrath’ author Boyd Cable has stirred up a lot of discontent amongst Amazon users. Will this be the accomplished author’s final legacy?

Aleister Crowley and Nikola Tesla’s One Degree of Separation

Aleister Crowley and Nikola Tesla’s One Degree of Separation

Influential poet/occultist Aleister Crowley and inventor Nikola Tesla traveled in similar circles but never met. What might have happened if they had?

Was the Great War a Supernatural War?

Was the Great War a Supernatural War?

The memoirs of WWI soldiers are filled with references to seeing things that could not have been there. They knew that it was the war itself that haunted them, the war that became almost anthropomorphic, a self-conscious thing out to murder them.

When Rationalism Tangled with Magic: ‘A Supernatural War’

When Rationalism Tangled with Magic: ‘A Supernatural War’

Exploring the charms and rituals believed to safeguard WWI soldiers makes A Supernatural War a fascinating read.

Honouring Ordeal in the Trenches: Interview with Journey’s End Director Saul Dibb

Honouring Ordeal in the Trenches: Interview with Journey’s End Director Saul Dibb

This remembrance of World War I in today's Brexit Britain illuminates the public's ignorance towards the bloody lessons of the past.

‘Mudbound’: Dreams in Brown

‘Mudbound’: Dreams in Brown

If the plot of Mudbound is familiar, its very repetition is devastating, especially in this moment in US history, when Trump and white supremacists dig up the past -- legacies of racism, abuse, and fear -- and make them horrifyingly incessant, inescapable.

The Toll of Political Idealism: ‘The Dream of the Celt’

White Whale: WWI